Where in the world will you discover God's joy? 2017 Immersion Trips

Where in the world will you discover God's joy?

"Life grows by being given away, and it weakens in isolation and comfort. Indeed, those who enjoy life most are those who leave security on the shore and become excited by the mission of communicating life to others".     Pope Francis, Joy of the Gospel 

The most frequent comments we hear from people who have been on a mission immersion trip are that it was "live changing" and "transformative." More than ever, we need to reach out across borders and immerse ourselves in global solidarity.

Join us on an adventure of a lifetime to Bolivia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Jamaica, El Paso/Juarez and San Francisco. Experience the true Joy of the Gospel that comes from an inter-cultural encounter with our brothers and sisters around the world.     

Yours in Mission,
Deacon Matt Dulka

Upcoming Immersion Trips - discover your next trip below!

Clicking on each immersion trip will take you to a page with more information and a link to apply.

June 14 - 22, 2017

From the dramatic, volcano-studded horizons, the lush forests and cobblestone streets, discover Christ through an encounter with our Guatemalan sisters and brothers.  
Listen to their stories,  explore their historical, social and religious traditions, where  indigenous Mayan cultures mix with modern struggles.  Pray at the tomb of Bishop Gerardi and visit the human rights museum to learn about their struggles during the civil war.

June 24 - 30, 2017

Experience Jamaica beyond the beaches and resorts.  Rooted in an Afro-centric culture and a spirituality forged from the struggle against slavery and colonialism, learn about the people, culture and church in Jamaica.  

Explore how we are linked to the Jamaican people in the bonds of global solidarity.  Witness their E-Team (Evangelization Team) in action sharing God's love with the those on the margins.
Do you have to go overseas to experience mission?  What is the connection between poverty in the U.S. and elsewhere in the world?  Join us as we explore how mission begins at home but extends to the ends of the earth. 

(Especially for Young Adults)
August 14 - 26, 2017

Nestled in the heart of South America, Spanish, Quechua, and Aymara traditions and history come together in Bolivia. Against the backdrop of the Andes mountains and the Amazon basin come hear the stories of how Bolivians, rooted in indigenous cultures, are challenging global trends as they struggle to overcome economic poverty and a history of colonial and political oppression. 

Deacons/wives praying at site of church women martyrdom in El Salvador

September 7 - 13, 2017 

Although one of the smallest Central American countries, El Salvador overflows with a vibrant culture and history.  Learn about the current realities and challenges facing Salvadorans.  

Look back and pray at the sites of the martyrs who gave their lives witnessing God's love during the civil war, including Blessed Oscar Romero and the four U.S. churchwomen.

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(510) 276-5021

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