Most generous and loving God,
On this holy evening,
We ponder and pray, and
We remember.
Centuries ago...
In a poor and violent place,
In the dark of the night and
During a time of overwhelming fear and despair,
A newborn baby cried out.
To show us your true nature,
To give your love human form,
To remind us that we are created in your image, and
To affirm the goodness of being human:
You became one of us.
In the person of Jesus
Whose birth we remember this day,
We saw your compassion with a human face
And a human heart that was moved to justice.
As we gather around this table,
With family and friends,
We thank you for the gift of your life within us,
We thank you for showing us love made real.
We ask your blessings on this gathering, and
On this food we are about to eat.
We pray for those who are alone,
And for all who suffer this evening.
Keep us mindful of the love that was born
On the First Christmas Day.
Ever increase the capacity of hearts
To receive and to give.
Fire us with your passion, so that we can
Continue to bring your love
To birth this day and every day.
In the name of Jesus,
whose birthday we celebrate today.
A resource of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers
On this holy evening,
We ponder and pray, and
We remember.
Centuries ago...
In a poor and violent place,
In the dark of the night and
During a time of overwhelming fear and despair,
A newborn baby cried out.
To show us your true nature,
To give your love human form,
To remind us that we are created in your image, and
To affirm the goodness of being human:
You became one of us.
In the person of Jesus
Whose birth we remember this day,
We saw your compassion with a human face
And a human heart that was moved to justice.
As we gather around this table,
With family and friends,
We thank you for the gift of your life within us,
We thank you for showing us love made real.
We ask your blessings on this gathering, and
On this food we are about to eat.
We pray for those who are alone,
And for all who suffer this evening.
Keep us mindful of the love that was born
On the First Christmas Day.
Ever increase the capacity of hearts
To receive and to give.
Fire us with your passion, so that we can
Continue to bring your love
To birth this day and every day.
In the name of Jesus,
whose birthday we celebrate today.
A resource of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers