Thanksgiving Table Prayer and Blessing

Creator God
source of all life and love.
The mystic Meister Eckhart said:
If the only prayer we ever say in our entire life
is thank you, it will be enough.

As we gather this Thanksgiving,
with family and friends around table,
our hearts overflow with gratitude.

We offer you our humble, grateful hearts
as the gift that you truly desire from us.

We are thankful:

For the gift of your love
that has brought forth all creation,
from the stars in the sky
to this food we are about to eat

For all the love that has touched our lives,
even when it’s broken our hearts

For the gift of forgiveness
that has released the hurt and bitterness
and for when reconciliation has
healed broken relationships

For the times that we have been disturbed
and moved to compassion
by the suffering of others that has led to solidarity

For your Spirit of mercy that has compelled us
to work for right relationship, peace and justice
so that your your will be done on earth as it is in heaven

We ask you to continue to shower down
your blessings upon us
and to bless this food we are about eat,
mindful of those who go without this day

Through Jesus Christ
Our Lord and Brother,


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