Table Prayer of Thanksgiving

Table Prayer of Thanksgiving

Gracious God,
source of all life and love.
We gather around this table
in awe and wonder
at all you have given us.
Your very breath brought forth all creation
as an outpouring of the love you share.

We thank you for the the sun and moon and stars.
We thank you for our common home, this planet Earth.
As we prepare to celebrate this feast
we give you thanks for this food
that nourishes us and connects us with all life.

We remember everyone who had a hand
in growing this food and preparing this meal.
Our hearts go out to those
who this day, will go hungry.
We remember our family and friends
who are not here,
especially those who have gone before us.

We pray that this food will satisfy our hunger
and that the company we share will lift our spirits,
so that your gift of love will continue to grow within us,
and spill forth from the table.

Give us grateful hearts to see the good around us.
Give us passion to embrace and celebrate life.
Give us generous spirits to share your love with everyone,
especially those who need it the most.
And, give us the courage to work for justice and peace,
so that creation will unfold according to your hope.

We ask this in the name of Jesus.


A resource of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers
To help foster Communities of Missionary Disciples
Who GO FORTH in JOY to share the GOOD NEWS
