Lenten Weekly Reflections Resource 2015
The following six reflections are to be used weekly starting
with “L.” For each week there is a
reflection or questions and a prayer that relates to the heading. Recite the prayer each day to keep the topic
fresh in your mind. Can be used for
prayer groups, classrooms, faith formation classes or individual reflection.
Looking for love in all the wrong places
Reflection: There is
a saying: “Where you spend your money and time is where your heart is.” If I look in my checkbook am I satisfied with
where my heart is living? If I look at
my calendar, is my heart where I want it to be?
Are those places bringing me joy?
Am I expecting
others to provide my happiness? Have I
substituted technology like my cell phone or email for face-to-face
relationships? Do I know that God loves
me? Do I ever substitute physical
pleasures for meaningful relationships?
Prayer: Loving
Creator God, help me to remember that you have been at my side in good times
and bad because you love me. Turn me
around towards you when I stray after those things that my culture tells me
will bring me happiness. Help me to seek
the joy of your love in relationships with others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Everyone is connected
Reflection: The
Butterfly Theory asks “if a butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil, does it set
off a tornado in Texas?” Maybe not, but
all life is intricately connected; what happens in one country can affect
millions in another, even something as simple as how you choose the coffee or
chocolate that you buy can determine whether a farmer across the globe can
afford to send his children to school.
Even how we treat others at the grocery store or on the freeway can
affect how they treat the next person they encounter and so on. Do I think about the decisions I make on what
to buy at the grocery store? Do I
research where products come from? Do I
keep up with current events? Have I ever
looked at the labels in my clothes and prayed for the people who assembled
them? Do I perform “random acts of
kindness” for others?
Prayer: O God, in
this culture of individualism, it is easy to become disconnected from my
brothers and sisters around me every day.
Help me to forget about myself for a while and see someone who may be in
need of a kind word, deed, or just a smile.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Now is the time
Reflection: Procrastination is a very human trait. Twenty percent of people admit to putting
things off on a regular basis and quite often has very unfortunate consequences
like having the power turned off or the car repossessed. Fortunately, God is very patient and does not
exist within the confines of time and space.
However, carving out time to pray, reflect on the day (or the last
minute!) is an activity that can bring great joy to our lives because it is in
these silent moments that God often speaks to us. We live in an “Age of Rapidity” where time is
measured in kilobytes per second and information is coming at us at an alarming
rate. We expect fast food, fast internet
speed, bullet train transportation. Lent
is our time to slow down, put the phones on silent, turn off the computer and
spend some time in prayer, reading, watching the clouds, going for a walk,
visiting a friend, or just being in God’s presence. He’s waiting.
Do I use busyness as an excuse to avoid being present to others,
including God?
Prayer: Dear God,
it’s difficult to set aside the time to pray.
I put it off all day with good intentions to slow down but before I know
it the day is gone and I’m so tired. Show
me little ways that I can spend time with you during the day, even if it’s only
for a minute. Thank you for always being
there with me even when I’m not paying attention. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Trying to find you God
Reflection: Most of
us as children were taught that “God is everywhere!” Of course that’s true, God has no limit. In certain situations and places, it’s
difficult to imagine that God is there such as when a violent crime is being
committed, during a heated argument with a coworker or family member, during a
natural disaster that leaves people devastated, or when a loved one dies. We often ask, “Where were you in that
situation God?” Yet, Jesus experienced
life the same way, in the garden and on the cross. He cried out to God too when he felt alone
and abandoned. Yet God was with his Son
and gave him the strength to carry out his mission of love to the very end,
even to death. And by Jesus’
resurrection, we are shown that nothing can kill God’s love. Easter always follows Lent and for that, we
can truly be joyful! Do I really believe
that God is more powerful than any problem?
Am I willing to let go of my fear and trade it for hope in the
Prayer: Abba,
sometimes I am like the disciples on the stormy sea, afraid that you are not
there to calm the winds of chaos. But I
know deep in my heart that if I keep my eyes on you I can get through anything
because your love is more powerful than any fear I may have. Help me to remember that you are always there
to guide me and that I have been called to share that love you have given me
with others who may be suffering. In
Jesus’ name, Amen.
I am a missionary?
Reflection: By
virtue of our baptisms, all Christians are missionaries. Forty or fifty years ago, many would have
believed that only nuns and priests who go out of their country of birth for a
lifetime would be categorized as a missionary.
Now, we can look back through scripture and see that God has been on a
“mission of love” since creation! God
desires to be in relationship with his creation. That desire is so strong that he chose a
people, the ancient Hebrews to be his messengers to the other nations that God
wants to be involved with their lives.
He acted through Abraham and Sarah, through Moses, spoke through the
prophets and ultimately incarnated in the person of Jesus just to get his
message across: I Love You! When someone
loves you, the natural response is to love back. We demonstrate our love for God by loving
others. In doing so, we are also
carrying out God’s mission of love, which makes us missionaries too! Do I really believe that I am loveable? Can I live my life in such a way that lets
others know that they are loveable too?
Prayer: Jesus, you
showed us how to live a happy life by being in right relationship with God and
with others, especially the poor, the forgotten, and the unloved. Sometimes it’s easy to get distracted by my
daily life. Remind me of what you have
called me to be, a messenger and missionary of your love. Stop me in my busyness and show me
opportunities to share you love and joy with others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Singing for JOY
Reflection: John’s
gospel tells us that the joy of the Gospel is such that it cannot be taken away
from us by anyone or anything (Jn. 16:22).
Pope Francis said in his apostolic exhortation The Joy of the Gospel, that
we can’t let the evils of the world be excuses for being querulous and
disillusioned pessimists or “sourpusses E.G. 85.” The early Church was attractive to others
because they were a joyful and loving people.
In a time when people were watching out for only themselves, the
Christians were sharing with others; in a time when people were grumbling and
complaining, the Christians were singing for joy and celebrating liturgy in
their homes. People must have wondered
and even asked them, “Why are you so happy?
Don’t you see what a state the world is in?” The Christians would reply,
“Because we know that God loves us. We
learned that from Jesus, come to my house for supper and I’ll tell you all
about him.”
The Church grew
exponentially in the first 300 years as a result of the joy, love, and caring
demonstrated by Jesus’ followers. Our
world is not suffering any less now than it was then. Pope Francis again says, “In these situations
we are called to be living sources of water from which others can drink. At times, this becomes a heavy cross, but it
was from the cross, from his pierced side, that our Lord gave himself to us as
a source of living water. Let us not
allow ourselves to be robbed of hope!”
Am I happy to be a Christian? If
someone accused me of being a Christian, is there evidence to back up their
Prayer: God, you
have loved us from the beginning of time and nothing in this world can ever
take that love from us. I want to share
that love and the joy that comes from knowing I am loved, with everyone I
meet. I pray Lord that my joy is
contagious and spreads throughout the world so that your message of love can
bring about your Kingdom on earth. In
Jesus’ name, Amen.