Lenten Resolutions: Go out of your comfort zone!

I happen to like making resolutions each New Year.  For 2015,one I made was to be more open to “go out of my comfort zone” (Evangelii Gaudium 20).  These past weeks it feels like God has given me too many opportunities to do so! I have been overwhelmed with the needs of the Central American women I visit in the local detention center, through our Interfaith Welcome Coalition.   So, I search for inspiration and guidance.  One practice I have is to spontaneously pick up old issues of Maryknoll magazine and see if something might speak a word ofinspiration at the odd moment.

Today I found this excerpt from a reflection by Fr. Joe VenerosoMM in an issue from March 1995.

Too young.

Too old.

Too sick.

Too strange

Too risky.


Not them, Me!


A thousand reasons why 

I should remain in the comfort 

Of my own little world.



That I have already done enough.


To let someone else be bothered for a change.


But no, I must act, must give, must love---

Not just because of who they are but because

Of who I am.  And who God is!


Yvonne Dilling lives in San Antonio TX where she is a Mission Education Promoter for 

Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers.

Photo:  Montego Bay, Jamaica. (Dulka)
