Retreat: Forgiveness, the Path to God

Kris East
Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers Western Region
510 276-5021 

Friday February 11, 2011 at 6:00 PM PST
Sunday February 13, 2011 at 1:00 PM PST

Maryknoll Regional Center
16642 Ashland Ave.
San Lorenzo, CA 94580

How to Register
Online at:


Call Kris:  510-276-5021
Suggested donation of $100 to cover the costs of accom-modation, food and materials, but please feel free to give what you can and if you cannot afford to give now, to join us as our guest.

Retreat: Forgiveness, the Path to God 

"Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us."
Unfortunately to be human is to hurt and be hurt by others.  However, we have a choice about what to do when that happens.
Over and over again, Jesus makes it clear that a major stumbling block to right relationship with God is failure to forgive.   Experts from a variety of different disciplines agree that forgiveness, whether of self or other, is key to a healthy and balanced physical, emotional and spiritual life.  Failing to forgive leads to anger, bitterness and resentment that does us great violence and can keep us from experiencing God's love and the love of others.
As Christians, following the example of Jesus, we are called to be instruments of forgiveness and reconciliation.   This begins in our own lives and ripples out to our community and the whole world.
This retreat weekend will provide time and space to examine the importance of forgiveness and to explore where in our lives we need to forgive and be forgiven.   Through silence, community prayer and faith sharing we will journey from within to seek the healing love of God so that  we can then move outward to be instruments of forgiveness and peace in our relationships with others and to the world.
 This retreat will be limited to 12 people.
Overnight accommodations available.   Please visit our website at for more information about our House of Prayer, Retreat and Reflection.
