Pat and Ilona Helmholz are Maryknoll Lay Missioners who are preparing for their 3 year mission to Kenya. Ilona fractured her leg late last year. Here's an update on her progress...
"On doctor’s advice, we have postponed our departure for Kenya until January 16 to allow for more healing on Ilona’s leg before getting on an airplane. Although we will start language training two weeks behind the rest of the class, I am comfortable we have made the right decision. The bone fracture seems to be healing normally and, at this point, see no reason for further concern. We will keep you informed of progress along the way.
Peace and blessings for the New Year! -Pat"
Please keep the Helmholz's in your prayers for a successful journey to Kenya!
"On doctor’s advice, we have postponed our departure for Kenya until January 16 to allow for more healing on Ilona’s leg before getting on an airplane. Although we will start language training two weeks behind the rest of the class, I am comfortable we have made the right decision. The bone fracture seems to be healing normally and, at this point, see no reason for further concern. We will keep you informed of progress along the way.
Peace and blessings for the New Year! -Pat"
Please keep the Helmholz's in your prayers for a successful journey to Kenya!